Become a Friend of Downtown!
Thank you for your love and support of our downtown by being a Friend of Downtown. We consider you a vital partner in our work to keep our community healthy and vibrant. With your past contributions, we have been able to support our downtown and West End businesses, bring more sculptures to town, and launch our Alive with Creativity Downtown series with Red Wing Arts. Your gift made great things happen in 2021!
Downtown Main Street knows that residents are the most essential factor in making downtown feel alive. For example, the community raised funds to purchase Synchronous, and every time people drive or walk by that sculpture, they feel a part of the community in a new way.
It's also a community effort to put on the Holiday Stroll each year, and we are excited to bring the 21st Annual event to life. The theme will be "A Star Wars Christmas," and you will not want to miss the real-life stormtroopers and other Star Wars characters strolling downtown. Star Wars movies are often released at Christmas time, and there aren't many kids that don't have a Star Wars item on their Christmas wish list! This year's Holiday Stroll will be held on November 25th, 2022.
You may have noticed that downtown is undergoing a renaissance. Foot traffic has increased, businesses are seeing increased sales, and additional events are planned for this fall. We are so glad that you've been a part of helping make this happen. But we aren't done! We still have much to do and momentum to build on! We hope that you will help us again this year.
We take great pride in the work your gifts have enabled us to do. We do not take the responsibility of a healthy downtown lightly. As we look toward expanding our programming in new and exciting ways, we hope you will consider a donation and become a Friend of Downtown again this year.
Downtown Main Street and the businesses that make up our downtown and West End District thank you for your support, and we hope we can count on you this year. Your friendship means the world to us!
See you downtown!
Megan Tsui, Executive Director
Kim Lampe, Programs Coordinator
Angela Frechette, Office and Events Coordinator
Downtown Main Street Board of Directors:
Brent Jaynes, President
Maureen Nelson, Vice President
Tom Pasch, Treasurer
Mandy Cardinal, Secretary
Alison Youngs, Board Member
Andrea Hanson, Board Member
Tessa Blue, Board Member